Okay, don’t freak out but it’s Summer.
Over my time as a PT I’ve come to realise this is a time of year where us girls tend to freak out!
Summer means – warm weather, bikinis, beach days & pool parties!
It’s not to late to start working towards your ultimate ‘Summer Body’ & have the healthy lifestyle you deserve. I also want you to be able to maintain your ‘Summer Body’ ALL year round.
I’ve listed a few steps that I use to make sure I’m ready for summer!
- Exercise.
Summer is the best time to exercise, take it outdoors & find things you enjoy. This is a good time of year to invest in some help. Whether it is in the form of Bootcamps, a Personal Trainer or even an Online Program to help you achieve your goals!
- H2O.
Hydrate. Keeping your body hydrated during summer is super important & water will help flush your body of nasty toxins. I aim for at least 3 liters per day. (Some days more)
- Fresh Produce.
Summer is known for beautiful fresh produce. This is the perfect time of year to head to your local Farmers Markets.
- Hair.
Looking after your hair is so important especially in summer if you’re spending more time in the pool, at the beach or just in the sun. See your hairdresser for some products that will protect your hair & keep it healthy! I love my hairdresser, I have super blonde hair & it’s still so healthy!
Check out Becky B Hair & Beauty (BEST hairdressers in the WORLD)
- Fat Burners.
I use Total Sports Nutrition’s Thermal Core & CLA3200 as a fat burning stack through out the year & I make sure I use them with my training routine in summer. Thermal Core helps to drop body fat, reduce appetite, helps with cravings & help increase your energy. CLA3200 not only helps with fat loss but also limits the amount of fat that can be stored in your body. It also enhances your muscle tissue & protects your immune system. These definitely have helped me take my physique to the next level.
Check out TSN’s Thermal Core & CLA3200 Here!
- Skin & Nail Care.
Have you ever noticed how dry your skin can get during summer? Not to mention sun burn! I don’t sun bake any more – I opt. for Spray Tans or self tanning products (simply because I don’t want sun damaged skin) With this I just use moisturiser everyday to help with hydration. If you are sun baking sunscreen is a must & aloe vera after a day in the sun can be really soothing.
For nails I am loving the nude colour at the moment! So perfect for summer – it goes with everything & I feel like it is a super clean look. I’ve been getting shellac done & LOVE IT.
6 Summer Tips from me to you
ng x